Monday, December 30, 2019

Rheumatoid Arthritis Is A Growing And Life- Changing Disease

Rheumatoid Arthritis is a growing and life- changing disease in Australia, creating negative social and economic consequences for both the individual patient and society. A disorder in which the body attacks its own healthy cells and tissues resulting in limited movement and inflamed joints in the body. Rheumatoid Arthritis has been chosen as a National Health Priority Area as it is a prevalent disease and the conditions are a significant cause of disability. The topics being discussed in this essay will include the definition of the disease Rheumatoid Arthritis: reasons for inclusion as a priority health issue focusing on the incidence and prevalence in the Australian population, risk factors for developing Rheumatoid Arthritis and†¦show more content†¦The government uses the principles of social justice, considers the cost for the individual and community, as well as the prevalence and prevention that will reduce the impact of occurrences of the condition or disease. T he condition Arthritis was the seventh disease to be selected by NHPA, this choice was due to evidence based information in 2002 by the Australian Health Ministers ( Australian Institute Of Health And Welfare,2017). Arthritis conditions are large contributors to the NHPA due to the pain, illness, and disability caused in Australia, disability being the biggest. Disability can restrict a lot of things ranging from work, day to day routine, housework, activities, and sports etc, increasing costs and economic consequences such as medical treatments and physio. In 2011-2012 an estimated 6.1 million people, 28% of the world s population has arthritis, more than 3.1 million Australians were estimated to be affected by arthritis in 2007-2008(Australias Health Gov,2013). Showing the estimated statistics in 2008 was wrong and the prevalence increased by 3 million, the prevention of this condition from 2008 was not successful. A risk factor is any aspect, individual or exposure of a single being that increases the likelihood of developing aShow MoreRelatedNursing Theory1224 Words   |  5 Pagesbio-psycho-social being who is in constant interaction with a changing environment. Despite being considered a complex model, it has been used widely and several research studies have highlighted its importance and effectiveness in health care settings. Basic Assumptions of the Roy Adaptation Model: The basic assumptions of the Roy Adaptation model have been discussed below: * The person is a bio-psycho-social being who interacts constantly with a changing environment (MJC, 2012). * A person uses bothRead MoreA Professional Registered Massage Therapist992 Words   |  4 Pages30% of an individual’s overall wellness comes from disease treatment, while the remaining 70% is a result of a healthy life style. Disease prevention depends on our social lifestyle, nutrition, exercise and ability to de-stress. As a professional Registered Massage therapist, I can help increase my clients’ awareness of their own responsibility for health lifestyle and of the importance of regular exercises, de-stress, and prevention of disease and dysfunction. By doing so, we not only help our clientsRead More Eliminating Obesity and Autoimmune Disease Essay example1691 Words   |  7 Pages Everyday it is possible to open up an issue of â€Å"Men’s Fitness† or â€Å"Muscle and Fitness† or â€Å"Modern Woman† or â€Å"TIME† or any magazine for that matter, and find the â€Å"new and/or improved† way to lose weight, improve the quality of life, or extend your years working towards the other two goals. Almost all of the methods prescribed can work; some are exercise and some are diet. For the most part though, achieving diet or exercise goals requires one to have great discipline. It has been proven, by eachRead MoreThe 21st Century874 Words   |  4 Pagestoday would never have survived birth-sans the aid of medical technology . Changes in medical education and technology in the 21st century will aid in discovering new medications for unsolved diseases in the 19th century. The advance in medical technology brings better medical care and treatment, and peoples life expectancy is longer. Let us take genetics as an example of the changes in the 21st century. There are pharmaceutical products that come from the massive genetic research occurring around theRead MoreHistory of Medicine1796 Words   |  7 Pagesorganic and you could choose how you would like to ingest your medication as well? What if there was a medicine out there somewhere that would not just work for one ailment but multiple ailments? What if you could make your own medicine just as easy as growing your own tomatoes? In this day and age, a large group of people are really into natural, organic, holistic, and unprocessed items in general, whether it be food or medicine. There is a medicine that can live up to all of the questions stated aboveRead MoreAnabolic Steroid Abuse And Anabolic Steroids2005 Words   |  9 Pagesactually steroids. The chemicals in them are very similar to estrogen and progesterone.† (Spring, Albert). Another way anabolic steroids help the body are, people with conditions like arthritis, asthma, and lupus keeping the body from making anabolic steroids. â€Å"Some people have conditions or illnesses (such as asthma, arthritis, and lupus) that prevent their bodies from producing steroids†. (Spring, Albert). â€Å"In such cases, they might need to take chemically manufactured steroids in order to stay healthyRead MoreHuman And Microbial Components Of The Human Body Essay1756 Words   |  8 Pagesof â€Å"micro-evolution,† science is evolving at a relatively fast pace. We as humans, are also evolving at a rate in which we still today have many unanswered questions; pushing us to make this new technology to learn more. Our own health is always changing across decades, keeping us up t o date on finding new information about the human body. Our bodies are composed of human and microbial components, making us supraorganisms. (Costello et al 2012) Meaning we have advanced functions and work in unitsRead MoreHealth Challenges Facing Women Today3359 Words   |  14 Pagesbetter future for themselves, their children and families. Women are resilient in their aim to better their lives. Many women seek work and educational opportunities in cities and even migrate for their quest. (Meleis 2011, 1). The role of women is changing both in developed and in less-developed countries. The size and structures of populations are evolving and this means new social and health related challenges. The world is becoming more urbanized. Over half of the world’s population is livingRead MoreEssay Breastfeeding: Numerous Benefits for Mom and Baby2793 Words   |  12 Pagesand is the best food for babies. It is the best start a baby can have on life (Breastfeeding - the . . . , 2002). Breast milk contains all the important nutrients in the perfect serving size for the first six months of life, and, for the first twelve months, it remains the most important part of an infants diet. Breast milk is easily digested food for a babys fragile stomach that is constantly changing to meet the growing needs of the baby (Breastfeeding has so . . ., 2002). Breastfeeding hasRead MoreHsc Level 5 Unit 534 Essay14626 Words   |  59 Pagesa few extra words to make our communication acceptable. In the context of disability, negative and patronising language produces, predictably, negative and patronising images and attitudes. Words in popular use mirror attitudes in society and by changing the words we can begin to change those attitudes. Those attitudes are often the most difficult barriers that people with disabilities face. Positive attitudes can be shaped through careful, thoughtful presentation of information about people with

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Introduction. Domestic Violence Remains A Serious And...

Introduction Domestic violence remains a serious and widespread crime problem in Australia, causing substantial social, emotional and economic costs to victims, families and communities (Morgan Chadwick, 2009). Social values and attitudes towards domestic violence have changed over time, and while it was once regarded as a private matter, today domestic violence is considered socially unacceptable and a legal rather than a civil matter. Although there have been significant reforms in policy and policing of domestic violence, it continues to be a serious social problem in Australia with no evidence to suggest any reductions in its incidence (Stewart, 2001). A large body of evidence consistently shows that the victims of domestic†¦show more content†¦While some literature has been used from America and the United Kingdom, for the purposes of this review, research and studies conducted in Australia have been used as much as possible. The available research on domestic violence offender s, domestic violence orders and breached domestic violence orders predominantly finds that women are more likely to be victims, with the vast majority of offenders being males aged between 30 and 49 years old (Trimboli, 2015). The most common domestic violence offence is assault, followed by a breach of a domestic violence order or equivalent (Poynton Trevena, 2016; Douglas, 2008; Douglas, 2015). Research shows that domestic violence can occur in many different relationship types, such as married or de facto couples, homosexual relationships and separated partners, occurring within a wide range of circumstances (Morgan Chadwick, 2009). There is a vast amount of literature based around domestic violence incidences and rates of their occurrence, however literature based around the characteristics of offenders is less common. Although some early research suggested that formal sanctions had a deterrence effect on domestic violence offenders, attempts at replicating similar researc h have produced mixed results, with some studies suggesting that only certain types of domestic violence offenders are deterred by formal sanctions (Poynton Show MoreRelatedViolence Against Children and Women702 Words   |  3 PagesIntroduction For numerous years, violence against children and women has not only been accepted and tolerated as an ordinary practice, but it has as well been encouraged. Patriarchal societies across the world view children and women as being submissive members of a family while men hold dominant roles. Laws and the society have often promoted a mans rights to manipulate and control his family, even through violence, from the olden days to the present world. Domestic violence refers to aggressionRead MoreDomestic Violence And The Legal Ramifications Of The United States1992 Words   |  8 Pages ABSTRACT: Domestic violence essentially affects everyone. It is not merely a personal or private problem within families. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics (US Department of Justice), a woman is beaten every 15 seconds somewhere in the United States. Additionally, the Surgeon General s report also reveals that one in five women victimized by their spouses or ex-spouses say that they had been victimized over and over Read MoreChild Abuse And Neglect Of Children1381 Words   |  6 PagesPatricia Ivory Instructor Dr. Andrew Freeman GENE 100: To Make Abused and Neglected Children Whole 3 May 2017 Ivory 1 ] To Make Abused and Neglected Children Whole Introduction The abuse and neglect of children becoming victims in homes is a national epidemic. Because of its severity and being so widespread, there are organizations set up by the juvenile judicial court system that assign Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) as volunteers to intervene in the families of reported physical/sexuallyRead MoreThe Victims Of Violent Crime1649 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction Victims of violent crime experience extreme emotional distress, which is particularly intense for those who suffer serious physical injuries that require hospitalization. Unfortunately, most victims leave the hospital without receiving any services to reduce this distress or any information about crime victim compensation programs to which they may be entitled. Moreover, many victims do not participate in the judicial process because such participation would exacerbate the emotionalRead MoreThe Long Term Effects on Children Who Are Exposed to Domestic Violence7097 Words   |  28 Pagesï » ¿The Long Term Effects on Children Who Are Exposed To Domestic Violence Introduction: The formative experiences that define a childs home life will have a lasting impact on the individual as he or she enters the later stages of childhood, adolescence and adulthood. The degree to which ones family life is loving, nurturing, supportive and attentive is a substantial determinant in emotional, social and intellectual development. Accordingly, a home which is abusive, violent, negative and neglectfulRead MoreDomestic Violence in India: Causes, Consequences and Remedies5741 Words   |  23 PagesDomestic Violence in India: Causes, Consequences and Remedies Introduction â€Å"Bride tortured to death for dowry†, â€Å"School going kid succumbs to his injuries after beaten by father†, â€Å"A seventy year old man killed over property dispute†, â€Å"Harassment of men in Chandigarh†¦Ã¢â‚¬  All these and what not, turn to any newspaper at random and you would find the reports of such kind of violence all over the country. These are all what we come to know through different forms of media. There are more such casesRead MoreChildhood Maltreatment And Delinquent Behavior Done By Stuewig And Mccloskey2319 Words   |  10 Pagessuch as video games, movies, or what happens in the streets, but the most effective variable comes before the adolescent years (Wissow, 1995). So the purpose of this literature review is to present how childhood maltreatment causes change in teen violence through the use of qualitative and quantitative research from recent studies. A research study linking childhood maltreatment and delinquent behavior done by Stuewig and McCloskey (2005) both state that abuse develops shame and guilt in childrenRead MoreAfrican Women s Liberation Theology Essay2365 Words   |  10 Pagesa just society. This creates the inform that set on distributive principles by means of the existing social orders which can be judged. Rawls concluded that ultimate theory is not in addressing a range of specific matters of justice arising from serious social situations, but the lack of respect of human well-being that characterises assault which is an instrument of discriminating based on a judgement of social status, which is associated with ethnicity, gender, social class, and appearance. AbstractRead MoreTravel Broaden the Mind6679 Words   |  27 Pagesdefinition is central to the way in which the Global War on Terror is prosecuted by the authorities both domestically and overseas. It also affects the way in which terrorism is understood and dealt with as a criminal act under international and domestic law. In the academic and cultural realms, the definition of terrorism has important implications for the way knowledge and commonsense about the subject is constructed and reproduced socially. Furthermore, it has substantial indirect consequencesRead MoreTravel Broaden the Mind6663 Words   |  27 Pagesand domestic law. In the academic and cultural realms, the definition of terrorism has important implications for the way knowledge and commonsense about the subject is constructed and reproduced socially. Furthermore, it has substantial indirect consequences for individuals and groups labelled as terrorists – who may then be legally subject to torture, rendition and internment without trial – and for the ―suspect communitiesâ€â€" they belong to. This paper argues that despite a number of serious political

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Becoming a Person of Influence Free Essays

Success is not easily attained but because of the influence of other people, it can easily be attained with new enthusiasm. The kind of influence other people impose make the other person response no matter what kind of influence it is. There are different kinds of advantages like in a certain company with the right influence from managers their employees respond with a new sense of interest. We will write a custom essay sample on Becoming a Person of Influence or any similar topic only for you Order Now Because of parents influences they can bond with their children on a deeper level, players bloom because of their coaches. Sales person will excel in their sales and break records and can achieve higher income for their products market. Every person should be born a leader in their own right but to become a leader we should always be a good follower and belong to a particular organization. Being a good leader we can always be an influence to other person, there are factors we need o consider to become an influence but the root of it started in a religion where we belong it is where we could learn many passages from the bible which we can analyze the deeper meaning of life how it is to be leader, to be a person of influence starts up with being humble and humane. An act of obligation on others, when other people do good deeds for other people there is always a strong need to return the act of kindness for the other person because, returning the favor liberate the obligation because this is always a part of social conditioning in every society. It could go further than that an ethical regulations does not need to be educated but should be understood. When someone gives a compliment it can be returned by another smile, even these gestures are unwanted, and there is always a sense of requirement to repay the person who has created the mental and psychological debt. People often carefully trigger feelings of indebtedness and obligation in others by carrying out an unsolicited favor. The mental and emotional burden created by such situation is often great enough that people would rather be unable to find the benefits of the favor by not asking for it, rather than to experience the humiliation and rejection that might come from asking. Studies have shown that the discussion is true when individuals break the reciprocity rule by showering special treatment on someone without giving them the chance to repay; there is the same amount of discomfort. The drive to lessen feelings of obligation is so powerful that it can make people turn to others that they don’t even know. The anxiety to respond is strong enough that when people don’t return the favor, they are viewed with disdain and disgust. Accepting gifts or favors without attempting to return them is u generally viewed as selfish, voracious, and heart less. It is often strictly due to this internal and external pressure that people become conventional to the rule of reciprocity. People feels justification when they see others do what they want or intend to do. It was learned early in life that people make fewer mistakes when they follow the social norm. There are two types of norms, explicit and implicit. Explicit norms are openly spoken or written like road signs, employee manuals or game rules. Implicit norms are not usually established openly. If humans don’t know the norms, they look around and find it. Social corroboration becomes a way to save time and energy to put up what is correct. Other actions were use by people to direct their own actions, to validate the right and wrong. They don’t always seems to emerge at the positive and negative way in every situation, this automatic triggers what saves people from thinking, if they find inconsistency between what is observe and what is done; they tend to make change in the direction of the social norm. Social corroboration compels to alter behavior, attitudes, and an action, what was observed by a person doesn’t really contest his true feelings, style and opinion. People go opposing their judgment because they always wanted to be liked, accepted, and found to be in agreement with everyone else. In seeking out for social norms it helps an individual to know what should be felt and done. Most components, this is not an attentive process because subconscious acceptance of behaving is determined. Almost sixty percent of daily activities are spent in verbal communication, in which an individual could convince and explain influence, negotiate, counsel or instruct. They can create society, excitement and vision with the words they use. The right words are captivating; the wrong words are devastating. The right words make tings to life, create energy, and are more persuasive than the wrong words. The bottom line is that the words people use attract or repel their prospects. The more a skillful is in the the use of language, the more persuasive the person. In two contrasting situations, items must be presented right after the other. It affects decision making on group meetings, in certain meeting when the great idea is forward after another great idea, it will not have an impact as if it just followed another’s poor idea. This is all about human insight. The human mind has to find a standard of comparison to make judgments, especially when an unfamiliar situation is being talked about. People need to make comparison with their past experience and knowledge. By presenting your prospects with contrast comparisons are created. The mind cannot process everything at once and so it develops shortcuts to help make decisions. Instead of making a completely internal judgments people always look for boundaries, patterns and polar opposites. They want to know the difference between the options so that they could naturally contrast the two items. Humans place things in their mind from best to worst An expectation has great influence to reality and creates results. Individuals tend to make decisions based on how others expect them to perform. As a result, people fulfill those expectations whether positive or negative. Expectations have a prevailing impact on perfect strangers. People will gratify the expectations of others in order or gain respect and likeability. People rise to meet your expectation of them. This is a powerful force that can lead to the improvement or destruction of a person. They can always express an expectation of doubt, lack of assurance, and skeptism. Those who believe in someone’s ability confidence should be showed in them and expect them to be successful and different results will be seen. When expectations are created, people’s behavior are changed, expectations can communicate in a variety of ways. It may be through language, voice. The influences of a person to other person are not measured but what a particular person has attained, it can never be a replacement for fundamental, sincere truthfulness of influencing others. People started in failures to reach success, it happens not only once but for several times, small achievement comes out for the first time, we need to fail to learn and make the incoming to work. A good kind of reputation can be compared to gold therefore; having sincerity is like owning the mine. People should not worry what others would think and should focus on what is within a person’s character, to take good care of it, and reputation as a whole. When a person criticize the other, integrity will be responsible to keep a person going, and climb the mountain of success of not striking back, and when this criticism is legal, integrity will help to admit what other people say, be taught from it and keep growing. The opportunity in the future of an individual is brilliant when the attitude is right, but a person should always enjoy the present because it is where the future lies. The voyage of a positive person comprehend that the journey is as pleasurable as the destination. How to cite Becoming a Person of Influence, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Garbage Land On the Secret Trail of Trash

Question: Describe about the Garbage Land: On the Secret Trail of Trash. Answer: The book Garbage Land: On the Secret Trail of Trash (Royte, 2005) is quite an interesting story, though slightly gross, of all the things that are thrown away by us. It is very colourful as well as witty the only issue being that it can at times be bewildering due to the facts which are too many and interpretations of these which are too few. The question that Elizabeth Royte seeks to answer is where does the trash we throw, end up and do the things that we throw into the recycle bin actually ever recycled. This book is not only for the environmentalist but also for all those people who throw away things in the trash. This is the very enlightening book on that aspect of our everyday life over which not a lot of people put in much thought or want to think about in great detail, but the manner in which Royte handles this matter of subject is very amusing, and this book is quite a quick read according to me. The information is presented by her in a manner which is non-judgmental and straightforward, and the handling of the subject matter of the book is in a manner which is most amusing. The way in which she honestly assesses her own habits which are trashy and her humour which is self-deprecating in nature makes it's simpler for everybody to take a look at things which they themselves keep trashing every day. There are two narratives which have been braided together in this book. The first narrative comprises of the experiences of Royte herself, there are portraits of engineers, workers in sanitation and environmentalists with who she converses with; she also describes the recycling plants and landfills that she visits; the quest which has been taken by specially to as much as possible recycle; and the observations over all this that she slyly has. The scientific part of the book the second part of the narrative, it is regarding to what is happening to the trash in America at a level which is statistical in nature. Royte in this books gives the reader a lot of what before coming actually to the point of what is next. It is only towards the book's end where there is a section which has wittily called as Piling On' does she make a request for becoming more conscious about the trash that we discard. She in this book points out that an American averagely every day throws out the garbage of 4.3 pounds which is around 1.6 pounds greater than what was being thrown out about thirty years ago. In the book, Royte states that there is no need that is there of a better way of getting rid of the trash. What is necessary is to get rid of the thing completely either by ensuring that it stays in the system by way of continuous cycling or by ensuring that it is not designed only. To begin with the book, the preface is itself worth a read. Here she divulges the fact as to how her thinking began with respect to where the trash is going; it was on a canoe trip during Earth Day in New York City when she had gone with some of her friends who are involved with the Club Sierra. Thinking that the exercise would be good for rowing about and picking up the garbage that was there in Gowanus Canals which is in a neighbourhood in Brooklyn, she was taken aback by the amount of raw sewage and trash that she saw there. It was at that moment only when she realised that she too was responsible partially for this because the crud's effluent from her Park Slope in the Brooklyn neighbourhood also flows into the Gowanus Canals downhill. The trail of Royte's own garbage is followed by her in the book, and she starts this with questioning the garbage collectors in her neighbourhood. She then visits the transfer stations which are always located in the neighbourhoods of the city which are poor. The journey continues in this book where she lets us follow the garbage to the rural towns which are stricken with poverty which allow the garbage of other people into their town for generating income. There are various environmental issues that are related with garbage. However, Royte focuses on the issues relating to environmental justice issues as well. Most of the trash she explains ends up in the town of Pennsylvania which is where the journey leads to. She further explains that every year there is about ten million tonne of waste which is imported from the states that are neighbouring, which is much more than that which is imported from any other state in the US. Though there is income which is generated by this but there is the cost which is paid by the people especially those who are living in the towns that are neighbouring due to all the traffic of the trucks, property values that are degraded, the stench and the downstream flow of the run-off. The book teaches about a subject which is already known to me. I was most certainly quite aware of the leaks in landfills, but I learnt in this book that the environmental impact that this has is much greater due to the inadequacy of technology to be able to protect the groundwater and stream pollution. It has been written by Royte in this book that there is a wide acknowledgement of the fact, even by the EPA, which the best type of landfill liner will also leak ultimately, and this leak will be well before the threat the waste it contains of degrading the environment ceases. I knew of the fact that methane has on the climate a huge impact. But I was unaware of the fact that methane is what is smelt by us when we drive across any landfill area. I also had never thought the impact that the traffic from the trucks has and that they are releasing carbon dioxide into the environment. The collection of electronic and materials which are hazardous are also investigated by Royte. The new as expected is not a very good one that she shares and neither is her conclusion that we might feel that a lot of things are there which we are recycling but we are not actually recycling them. The title chapter which is the best in this book is "Satan's Resin" where she talks about plastic. It might already be known by almost everyone that there is no way in which plastic can be recycled. There are higher changes of it getting being formed into goods of plastic which are of lesser quality but is only delaying the inevitable process of it being dumped into the ocean or landfills. Though it has been seven years since this book was published seven years ago making the statistics in the book a little redundant and there might have been changes in various municipalities in the manner in which they dispose and collect trash, this book however remains a very good read. Royte's book from the start to end has been an excellent read; it will be easier to understand the concept of garbage and garbage disposal and the various effects that it has on the environment and all this despite the book being too dragged out or being an uninteresting read. Royte makes her point while keeping the reader bound to the book. References Royte, E. (2005).Garbage land. New York: Little, Brown.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

How to Title an Essay to Make It More Engaging

Writing an important essay? Cannot decide how to title your essay to make it more compelling and impressive? Thinking to use a title generator? Read the blog and learn all the tricks. Quick Links 1. What is an Essay Title? 2. What are the Qualities of a Good Essay Title? 3. How to Title an Essay impressively? 3.1 Essay First and Title Last Approach 3.2 Use Essay’s Thesis Statement 3.3 Rewrite a Popular Cliche to Match Your Essay 3.4 Add a Quote or Rewrite It 3.5 Study the Tone of Your Essay 3.6 Keep It Simple 3.7 Make it Unique and Original 3.8 Use the Right Words 3.9 Avoid Using Jargons and Short Forms 3.10 Read the Summary 1. What is an Essay Title? An essay title is the very first thing that your reader is going to read in your essay. No matter how good and excellent your essay is, if it does not have a good essay title, it is not going to work for you. Lets be honest, how many times did you read a paper that did not have a catchy essay title? I bet that many of us do not bother to read further. Same goes for your essay also. Just because your reader is your teacher, you should not make your title plain and dull. This time your teacher is your reader and you have to give him or her the reason to read your essay and a good reading experience. Good titles give the reader an idea of what the essay is going to be about. And if they do not find the titles interesting, they will not move forward and read your complete essay. Therefore, create a title that is engaging and exciting. 2. What are the Qualities of a Good Essay Title? Want to know about the components and qualities of a good essay title? It is better to read, research and learn more about writing a title that compel your reader to start reading and go on with your essay. No matter what type of academic papers you are doing, creative titles work best for all the different types of essays and for your graduate and post-graduate research paper also. Just like an outline gives the essay a complete structure, a title gives it a direction. Writing a good title is the first step of creating a strong essay outline. The outline and title work together to create a memorable essay for your readers. Some of the main features of a great essay title are: They are compelling and eye catching They are true and believable They are written in active voice They have an interesting hook They have focus keywords They are brief and easy to read The title depends on the tone of your essay and the field of study. It should be according to them and must stay close to them. 3. How to Title an Essay Impressively? When you create a title for your essay, you are actually creating an identity for it. Your readers are going to remember your essay with its title and this is why you should not take it lightly. To come up with an engaging and impressive title, we have compiled a list of ways to do it successfully. 3.1. Essay First and Title Last Approach Instead of trying to come up with an engaging title in the beginning of the writing process, write your essay first and title it afterwards. Naming the academic essays after you have completed them will give you more ideas about how to title them appropriately. If you find it difficult to start without a title, keep a working title. Once you have written the essay and feel that the title is not good, you can change it to a better one instead. However, the title should match the content of your essay. 3.2. Use Essays Thesis Statement Your essays thesis statement is not just a writing guide to help you write your essay, it also helps you in writing your essays title. The thesis statement is the core of your essay and nothing can help you better than this. You can take some phrases from the statement and use them in your essays title. 3.3. Rewrite a Popular Clich to Match your Essay Popular phrases and cliches work great as an essay title. First they are popular and your readers may already know about them and second, they are engaging. But choose the relevant ones only. Plus, you can also use them in your essays headings also. 3.4. Add a Quote or Rewrite it Adding quotes in your essays title is a great way to add something new into your title. You can use the quote as it is or you can rewrite it to suit your needs. However, it depends on what you are working on. In case of a book, you can easily use a quote from it. 3.5. Study the Tone of your Essay When working your essays title, examine the tone and mood of your essay. Different types of essays have different types of material and titles. A title should complement your essays content and guide your reader. Therefore, make the title according to the essays tone. If it is a serious topic, use serious phrases and words and if it is something funny, use humorous words. 3.6. Keep it Simple Keep the title simple to read and understand. Using complex words will damage the effect of your essay. If you want to impress your readers, impress them with your knowledge and writing skills. Do not make them scratch their heads in confusion. 3.7. Make it Unique and Original Copying some other writers topic and title. You can research and read them for inspiration but you should never copy it as it is. If you find a title engaging, customize it according to your essay and then use it. 3.8. Use the Right Words Your essays title is going to describe your essay. This is why it is important that you use the right kind of word for it. Wrong words will give wrong impression and it can ruin your essay. To be on the safe side, use the terms according to your field of study. 3.9. Avoid Using Jargons or Short Forms Avoid using unnecessary jargon and abbreviations. Try to use proper words and terms. Using short forms is not a standard writing practice thats why you should avoid it. 3.10. Read the Summary Reading your essays summary before creating the title is the best way of doing it right. Read the summary thoroughly and review the main points of your essay. Note down special words and expressions and use them in your essays title. Seek Professional Assistance Still confused about choosing the right title for your essay? Let 5StarEssays help you. We are a professional writing company that helps students get affordable and excellent essays in short deadline. Place your order now.

Monday, November 25, 2019

A People Essays

A People Essays A People Essays October 13, 2014 A People’s History of the United States: Chapter 4 The fourth chapter of â€Å"A People’s History of the United States† is about how Britain started to become more aggressive towards the American colonies in order to tighten their loosening grip they had on the colonies. The colonies were supplying their mother country with raw materials needed in order to produce goods to send back to the colonies, benefitting the mother country. The colonists began to get tired of the on ­going monopoly with Britain and tried cutting ties all together by rebelling against Britain. To lead these rebellions, the founding fathers led groups prioritized on the hate and opposition of British ruling. The colonies had longed for an independent, self ­government, completely detached from British power. As in any place, wealth was not distributed evenly throughout the colonies causing more problems than it was probably worth. The separation between the classes throughout t he colonies led to an unequal balance between the rich and poor. The struggle for unity in the colonies was just another spark leading up to the revolution. The basic point of Zinn’s argument is â€Å"tyranny is tyranny†. He argues the American Revolution was one substitution for tyranny after another. He states the founding fathers were just as greedy and malicious as the king of England was. Zinn states the founding fathers were able to, â€Å"take over land, profits, and political power from favorites of the British Empire. In the process, they could hold back a number of potential rebellions and create a consensus of popular support for the rule of a new, privileged leadership†. The founding fathers wanted to keep the lower class suppressed as much as the king did. Zinn points out prior to the revolution, there was a great deal of anger and resentment already existing between the upper and lower classes of the colonies. However, in the time leadin g up to the revolution, the colonial â€Å"elite† had managed

Thursday, November 21, 2019

A report on the foreign policy of the United States towards Russia Essay

A report on the foreign policy of the United States towards Russia - Essay Example Likewise, the need to analyze and improve Russo-American relations remains inevitable if global security, economic gains and political stability are to be realised in the West, Europe and the rest of the world. Brief history of the foreign relations of the US with Russia Russo-American relations started taking shape during World War I and II when the US and Russia fought alongside each other as Allied Powers, against Central Powers that had coalesced around the belligerent Germany. Prior to World War I and II, Russo-American relations had not taken a definitive shape, since America opted for the Doctrines of Non-Interference and Neutrality, wishing not to be drawn into the affairs and battles of Europe. The conclusion of World War II left the world with Russia and the US as two centers of power which were diametrically opposed to each other, on account of ideology. While Russia opted for socialism and communism as the way of politics and economics, America was committed to perpetuate democracy and capitalism throughout the world. This development sparked this Cold War which lasted from 1945 to 1990 (Brigham, 2010, 600). According to Butler (2011, 420), during this period, Russo-American relations were both belligerent and diplomatic. ... Zakaria (2012, 27) recounts that two decades after the fall of communism and the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia’s relations with America has been neither inimical nor friendlier. Despite the facing out of the Cold War confrontation, America and Russia have not nurtured sustainable bilateral cooperative relations. Russo-American relations only come to the fore when inevitable matters relating to climate change, international relations and nuclear nonproliferation need addressing (Nakajima, 2007, 450). Key Interests that the US has towards Russia Despite the US and Russia having well-known inimical relations especially at the height of the Cold War era, yet, these two countries harbour key interests in each other. Russo-American relations remain important in sustaining and effecting New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) which was signed in 2010 and ratified in 2011. The main essence of START is to assuage the quantity of strategic missile launchers by half, and to ef fect new and more effective inspection regimes. Currently, both President Obama and Putin are committed to global security issues such as nuclear non-proliferation and counterterrorism, in spite of the prevailing differences over Iran’s nuclear program and the BMD program. According to Christopher (2006, 329), America continues to bank on Russia’s military support in Kyrgyzstan, Manas Transit Center, given that Russia is interested in Western and American victory in Afghanistan and the successful withdrawal of American troops therefrom. This form of military support is very sacrosanct since Manas Transit Center is the only American facility in Central Asia and is therefore key

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 5

Proposal - Essay Example Online transactions are fast. E-coin being an online transaction technology, is, therefore, fast (Raszl, para.1). I am suggesting that Goldman should consider investing in E-coin technology. The reason is that Goldman’s may experience the threat of competition from its competitors who may use this technology and take way Goldman, existing customers. Goldman should do the implementation of the technology for the customers so that it may deter the loss of customers to its competitors (Thomas, p.9). The first benefit is that; many of the currencies worldwide lose value with time. With E-coin, it is slowly growing. There are only about twenty million E-coins globally. E-coin is not at the risk of losing the value like the currencies. A significant number of the user across the globe has adopted the E-coin technology. In fact, there are more than twenty million users of E-Coin worldwide. On top of that, there are many transactions done via E-Coin (About 120,000 operations per day) as by March, 2015 by those numerous users of E-Coin investment. Due to that reason, Goldman Sachs should introduce the technology to fly over its competitors by getting customers who are using E-coin. E-coin is also fast to use. Transacting with E-coin is faster since any customer can make payment of goods and services with no need of to visit the Goldman. An individual just need to make payment for the comfort of his/ her place. The speed of this online transaction makes E-coin more convenient. Due to a high rate growth of E-Coin various components, any business ought to react towards it (Thomas, pp.9-12). Many investment company executives are studying the E-Coin technology in order to see whether it is economically feasible to be in their company. It is, therefore, crucial for Goldman Sachs to take action before its competitors and get more customers just local. Since E-coin is not taxable by

Monday, November 18, 2019

Criminal procedure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Criminal procedure - Essay Example As society progresses in almost every environmental aspect (social, economic, politics etc.), what the people need is order and including their significant concerns on their individual rights so as to preserve their lives, freedom, properties and so on. Thus, it is important to understand which among the due process and crime control model gives them significant advantages and benefits in addressing their concerns. In this paper, the proponent tries to compare and contrast the role of due process and crime control models on shaping criminal procedure policy. Thus, the analysis includes a review and assessment of the Amendments of the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights to the states and their potential impacts on the criminal justice system as applied to due process and crime control models. Crime control model Crime control model is associated with efficient criminal justice system. ... Due process model The due process model is concerned with the justice and on the process how it is achieved. In other words, in this model there is equal treatment on giving protection of the innocent and employing punishment of the guilty (Braswell, McCarthy & McCarthy, 2011, p.81). In either way, there is fair treatment on these two cases as the ultimate goal is to seek justice under the required process in the entire justice system. Thus, in other way of saying this, under the due process model, the rights of each individual, either culprit or innocent victim, either of them has to undergo a fair trial. This is a process of giving equal opportunity for each individual to protect their rights. Analysis Crime control and due process models are integral parts of the US criminal procedure. However, in practice and principle these two may differ at some point, as the former would want to emphasize efficiency and finality of the outcome rather than emphasizing appropriate procedures wit hin the justice system. The main argument that may possibly exist in comparison of these criminal procedures involves the consideration of what is meant to achieve â€Å"justice† and â€Å"efficiency†. Based on the above definitions, it turns out that the due process model absolutely focuses on achieving justice while crime control model may be too narrowly focused on solving the crime that at some point may disregard whether there was a fair procedure implemented as to the case of the former. For instance, in the fourth, fifth and sixth amendments of the US Constitution, each person has the right to protect or secure their persons, houses, papers and so on from unreasonable searches and seizures; secure to answer for a capital or infamous crime

Friday, November 15, 2019

Overview Impact of UNICEF for Vulnerable Children

Overview Impact of UNICEF for Vulnerable Children Executive summary Everyone all have the right to the lead the lives they choose free from abuse as a result of one vulnerable effects, danger to health and life or due to any other circumstances. Unfortunately there are times and scenarios where people are faced with neglects, treats to life, exploitation harm and abuse especially children. It is very important to ensure that people who are vulnerable receives all the basic support and assistance to keep them safe and protected all the time. United Nations International Children Emergency Funds (UNICEF) is part of the world’s organisations providing help and support to the vulnerable from all over the world after working in over one hundred and ninety (190 different countries. However, UNICEF is readily available to respond to emergencies that strike any person or countries delivering lifesaving help to children within 48 hours (UNICEF, 2014). This organisation helps in five major areas of concern which includes, violence exploitation and abuse, Disease, Hunger and malnutrition, war and conflict and Disasters. Furthermore, it can be seen that all this areas are the world’s most threatening scenarios which makes UNICEF the world most recognised organisation that provides support. It is however the only organisation that is specifically named under the United Nation (UN) convection on the rights of a child as a source of expert assistant and adviser. Table of Contents (Jump to) Executive summary INTRODUCTION WHY SUPPORT THE WORK OF THIS ORGANISATION INTRODUCTION A vulnerable person is referred to as anyone who is or may be, in any case unable to take care of his or herself financially, health wise or issues concerning significant harm or exploitation. This maybe as a result of mental illness, physical disabilities, sensory impairment, war, old age or as the case maybe. However, due to all these above vulnerability, such an individual or group of people are liable to receive care services in their houses, community or even country as a whole. This health care practices or support are usually carried out by registered organisation whose sole aim is to protect people in need and the vulnerable. UNICEF was originally establish by the united nation in December 1946 by the united nation to provide food, clothing to the European children after the World War 2, when the countries were facing disease and famine. UNICEF is part of the world’s leading organisation that provides support to vulnerable people. This organisation works for children and child rights and other related issues, having tentacles in over more than one hundred and ninety (190) countries, including families, local communities, business partners and Government to help each and every child reach their full potential. Fig 1 (UNICEF, 2014) WHY SUPPORT THE WORK OF THIS ORGANISATION UNICEF is known for their positive impact in the nation’s welfare considering the vulnerable and the less privileged people. Right now children and lots of people face violence, diseases, and hunger, war and natural disaster. This issue is getting alarming and due course to reduce it are really being concentrated on by organisation like SCOPE, OXFAM, NSPCC especially UNICEF. UNICEF helps ensure that most of the world’s children are in good condition, fed, vaccinated educated, protected and taken care of than any other leading organisation. UNICEF is based and established in over 190 countries in the world, influencing the laws, policies and customs of such countries in other to help benefit the vulnerable people or people in need. United Nation International Children Emergency Fund (UNICEF) is a charitable organisation that believes that every person’s lives matters throughout their life time right up until they die, and that no one deserves to be in an avoidable pain, sufferings or any kind of emotional distress. This organisation was established in order to conquer the barrier of poverty, violence, diseases and discrimination placed in every child’s path. Not supporting this kind of organisation after considering all the positive things and actions they carry out is like ignoring JESUS’s coming. ISSUES BEING ADDRESSED BY THE ORGANISATION UNICEF is the driving force that helps build a world where the rights of every child are realised. It is believed that nurturing and caring for children and the people in needs are the cornerstones of human progress. UNICEF focuses on five big and major dangers children faces in the world today. Which are; Violence, exploitation and abuse Disease Hunger and malnutrition War and conflict Disaster Violence, exploitation and abuse: According to the UNICEF UK report, â€Å"every five minutes a child dies as a result of violence, while more children live in fear and panic of physical, emotional and sexual abuse and however this has a long term effect on any children that is being exposed to such a bad experience. In some cases children are being beaten up, raped or even to the extent of murder in some cases as a result of violence. (UNICEF, 2010) Children that are victim of violence are likely to develop â€Å"soldiers exposed to combat† which means they later be lured into being a drug addict, drunk or mentally derailed due to series of horrible experience they went through. Post-traumatic stress disorder is one of the long lasting symptoms that tends to happen to children that have been abuse or victim of violence. Child trafficking is also one of the abuse which any children could face. As a charitable organisation, UNICEF helps protect these children and their families by setting up services and working as part of a team with the government to ensure national child protection system are effective. And also informative declarations are made to the communities to change their approach towards abuse and violence and know that it is not acceptable. Disease: Lots of children are in danger of deadly but preventable diseases e.g tuberculosis, tetanus, measles, polio, diphtheria and whooping cough. Children dies from these diseases as a result of lack of health care facilities in the country. And all these diseases can easily be prevented by immunisation. It is noted that children faces a lot of challenges but diseases is one of the greatest. 1 in 3 deaths of children under 5 years old are preventable by vaccines and 4 out of 5 children are immunised with the help of UNICEF. Every year a lot of children dies from disease such as cholera, typhoid and diarrhoeas due to inadequate access to safe water and sanitation services and lack of poor hygiene practice and this is one the major causes of under-five mortality. However UNICEF being the world’s largest vaccines distributor. They also support immunisation programmes in more than hundred countries to protect children live. When a certain country is going through natural disaster or any kind of epidemic disease, UNICEF is always there to provide vaccination campaigns. Furthermore, UNICEF works with more than ninety (90) countries to improve children live through better water supplies and sanitation facilities in schools and communities by promoting safe hygiene such as practising hand washing techniques, making sure they do everything it takes to stop disease spreading and killing. War and Conflict: Countries like South Sudan, central Africa, Republic of Iraq and Syria. War and conflict has put lives of millions of children in awful danger and treat. These children having lost their homes, families and loved ones and even their own lives in some cases. As a result of this, most of this children become vulnerable to many other dangers such as diseases, malnutrition, violence, exploitation, they often become orphans and homeless children. UNICEF are always there to provide lifesaving food, water, medicine, protection and psychological support to children whose lives have been ruined due to the effects of the war and conflicts. It also ensures that children caught up in war and conflicts gets the help they deserve in order to stay safe and strong. Hunger and malnutrition: Every human being needs food and water to survive. A lot of children are in danger because of inadequate supply of food and water. As a result of malnutrition a child dies every 15 seconds especially in parts of Africa. More children live with the lifetime effects such as physical disabilities and learning difficulties. When a child is born, the first couple thousand days tends to be the most crucial days in their lives. And so if they do not get enough nutrients during those days, their brains and bodies are liable to not developing properly. UNICEF helps mothers and communities to keep their children healthy and well nourished. It provides 80% of the emergency food that saves life. By making sure that children eat food that gives them enough nutrient they need in their body. This has helped cut the number of children that are badly affected by nearly 100 million since 1990. All this is because of the food provided by UNICEF. Disaster: Due to climatic changes, a lot of severe and frequent natural disaster, food crises and rainfall patterns changing are putting people especially children in danger. Natural disasters such as flood, earthquake, tsunami and typhoon results in children losing their homes, families and lives. After any kind of disaster, children are left vulnerable to many emotional breakdown, exploitation and this make so people homeless in the case of tsunami or flood, or death in some cases where people are being engulfed into the ground in the case of earthquake. However UNICEF as an organisation is always there to provide help for children that has gone through this terrible disaster in order to stay strong and focused and give them enough assurance that would encourage them they could still have the lives they never thought they would ever have again. With the help of the Government, people and UNICEF provides life-saving supplies for the children immediately after an emergency and also help the communities to help rebuild their homes, towns and schools or any damages caused as a result of the disaster. Conclusion After making child survival rates better than before, including all the above mentioned care being rendered to every vulnerable individual, UNICEF being a charitable organisation should be well publicised so that people and other less privileged or not well known communities and people can be reached by its good work. I would also like to suggest that everyone should embrace this organisation and continues to work with it so that the sharing of the important responsibility of helping and keeping vulnerable people safe is achieved. Bibliography UNICEF. (2010, January 10). Retrieved from UNICEF: UNICEF. (2014, January 12). Retrieved from UNICEF: volunteer now. (2010, 12 22). safe guarding vulnerable adults . Retrieved from Page | 1

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Essay on Prospero in Shakespeares The Tempest -- Tempest essays Willi

The Greatness of Prospero in William Shakespeare's The Tempest      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  No man is an island. It takes a strong, mature man to forgive those who hand him misfortune. It takes a real man to drop to his knees and repent. The character of Prospero in Shakespeare's Tempest is a man who has suffered much. Prospero is a puppet master throughout the play, but releases everything to save himself from his own self. The enemies in the play are not those whom he shipwrecked, they are of little consequence, and he plays them easily. Propero's purpose in The Tempest is only to make everything right again. "Ariel is accordingly shown as the agent of Prospero's purpose. He is Prospero's instrument in controlling and developing the action" (Knight 138). Prospero is the artist, and Ariel the art. Upon Prospero's words, Ariel tempts the murderer's and thwarts their effort, plays tricks on the drunks and turns them to danger, and brings Ferdinand and Miranda together. Prospero's character may be an extension of Shakespeare himself. "...the play is a certain measure autobiographical..." (Garnett, 221). While Shakespeare did not model Prospero in his own likeness, "It shows us more than anything else what the discipline of life had made of Shakespeare at fifty-a fruit too fully matured to be suffered to hang much longer on the tree." (Garnett, 221). Shakespeare wanted to "write a play that would satisfy himself , by expressing something, or many things, that were still unexpressed," (Murray 111). Shakespeare, like Prospero, was making amends and rebuilding burnt bridges as he entered the final chapter in his life. Prospero's presence of character is strengthened by the weaknesses of the other characters in the play. While Trinculo... ...all the events, we perceived him as an omnipotent being, who acted in a perfect manner. But in the end he is just a man. He is only a man. How many men forgive their enemies? How many men "take from the past not the ashes, but the fire?" (Anon) How many men save their enemies instead of killing them? Few. There are few great men. There are few great men that beg for forgiveness for themselves and others.    Works Cited Garnett, Richard. "Irving Shakespeare" The Tempest (and selected criticism). Charlotte Porter and Helen A. Clarke (eds.) Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. 1903. Knight, G. Wilson. "Shakespearian Superman" The Tempest D.J. Palmer (ed.) Macmillan & Co. 1968 Murray, J. Middleton. "Shakespeare's Dream" The Tempest D.J. Palmer (ed.) Macmillan & Co. 1968 Tillyard, E.M. "The Tragic Pattern" The Tempest D.J. Palmer (ed.) Macmillan & Co. 1968